The Midleton and Ballinacurra Historical Society is officially launched!

Our last post announced a meeting to form a historical society for Midleton and Ballinacurra. The good news is that over thirty people attended the meeting in Midleton Library on Monday 18th September and approved the creation of a society.  There was much discussion but it was important to lay down a number of principles – leave politics and religion outside the door, and we were advised to spread our wings south to Roches Point, east towards Killeagh, north to Dungourney and Clonmult, west to Leamlara and Ballyannan.

On the advice of Mr Willie Cunningham, who directed the process,  a committee of seven (the ‘Magnificent Seven‘!) was selected with the power to appoint officers from amongst their number, with your author as Chairman. The committee is also empowered to co-opt an eighth member should that be warranted. We are now tasked with organising various matters – membership, a constitution, finance, lectures, talks and events. We are also tasked with establishing relationships with our neighbouring societies/groups at Cloyne, Aghada,  Killeagh and Carrigtwohill. Oh, and we have to finalise a name for the society – the one given in the title is a working name for the moment.

Wish us luck!